150% Increase in Demo Requests for GAINS Solutions

Case Study


GAINS came to me first with a website that had been dropping in traffic after a botched site redesign.

Traffic had been falling for months and they didn’t know how to correct it.

After correcting the migration issues and changing their content strategy, I was able to help them increase demo requests by over 150% just from organic.


Increase in Demos


Organic Traffic


Page 1 Rankings

The Problem

The problem mainly came from a site redesign that didn’t factor in SEO.

This is way too common with SEO and as a result, their traffic started to nose dive.

With over 3 months of traffic being next to zero, they came to me to help reverse that negative trend.

The redesign came with plenty of issues, but the main one was that all their URL structures changed + had a noindex tag attached to it, so all of their URLs were basically removed from Google’s index. 

All those pages that were previously giving them organic traffic immediately stopped ranking and driving traffic.

We were also dealing with:

  • They had an extremely solid list of product pages built out, but none of them were optimized for search
  • A majority of their content was written by AI without human editing so that also factored into why their content wasn’t ranking
  • None of their content was ranking. While traffic (outside of the nosedive) looked solid, most of their traffic was brought in by branded search. They only had 2 non-branded clicks in January.

The Solution

Step 1. First step was correcting the website redesign:

  • Requested non-indexed pages to be indexed. Most of their pages had a noindex tag applied during the redesign. They removed the noindex tag, but it had been 3 months, and Google wasn’t recrawling those pages
  • Added redirects for pages that were broken by the redesign

Step 2. Optimized their product pages:

  • Since these pages have high conversion intent, we optimized them so they could get traffic from people looking for that solution
  • We did the same thing for their industry pages, too
  • Built out more product pages to cover the full range of their product’s use cases

Step 3. I had to audit their entire content profile to get more traffic from it:

  • Merging underperforming content to get more reach out of it
  • Updated content that was in a low-hanging fruit position and/or had conversion potential
  • Rewrote or freshened up the content that was written by AI

Step 4. Once we took care of the existing content, we focused on content that would either drive demos or links:

  • We found the topics that were most likely to drive conversions and had them set up from brief to optimization
  • Created content more likely to earn links (mostly thought leadership and link magnets).

The Result

It only took around 3 months for us to see results from this campaign:

    • 100+ demo requests in under 6 months
    • Organic is their top channel for demo requests
    • I tripled their organic traffic (1.42K vs 5.14K)
    • The majority of organic conversions were coming from those product and industry pages

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